Nobody enjoys being in pain is quite the understatement. Anyone who has had some type of surgery, stitches, cut, or skinned knee understands oh too well the pain that can be associated with any type of wound. For anyone experiencing pain their first thought is how do I make it better? Reducing wound pain incorporates some common sense practices along with consultation with a nurse or doctor in order to develop a plan of action to make all our boo-boos feel better.
Since all wounds hurt, it’s important to identify what type of wound you have, where it’s located, and the severity of the wound. While certain wounds, such as burns, may hurt more it may not be as dangerous as a puncture wound that hurts less.
For a puncture wound, such as stepping on a rusty nail, a tetanus shot from your doctor may be required. For these types of wounds, whether caused by a rusty nail or even a bite (human or animal) recommends seeking emergency medical help. Any wound with jagged edges or that is deep enough may require stitches to close. After surgery, a major burn, or a chronic wound points out that your doctor may prescribe painkillers for wound pain relief. Most importantly, if you have a wound that you have not experienced pain with, begins hurting, contact your doctor immediately since this may be a sign of infection.
By identifying what causes wound pain we can determine a plan of action to reduce it or even eliminate it. Every wound will hurt to some degree whether it’s a skinned knee or a healing incision from surgery so it’s important to understand the cause of the pain. The website identifies several causes and reasons for wound pain. Listed below are some of those causes:
Probably the best way to head off wound pain is being proactive in the maintenance of your wounds. Wound cleansers such as MPM Wound Cleanser Spray create a moist healing environment and remove debris so wounds can heal properly. For post-operative wounds, a good option is the Oculus Microcyn Wound Solution with Preservatives which delivers a reduction of pathogens in 30 seconds.
Since dressing changes can irritate and be painful, the website suggests that gauze pads are likely to cause pain, products such as hydrogels, alginates, and soft silicone dressings are less likely to cause pain. Dressings such as the 3M Tegaderm Hydrocolloid Dressing or the Coloplast Comfeel Plus Hydrocolloid Dressing are great options to create a moist healing environment. If you choose a dressing with an alginate incorporated into it some options include the 3M Tegaderm High Gelling Alginate Dressing and Coloplast Biatain Alginate Dressing. These all will help your wounds heal properly and help with reducing pain during a dressing change.
To keep wounds from getting infected, keeping them clean with an antimicrobial is an option. The Medline Opticell AG Plus Silver Antibacterial Gelling Fiber Wound Dressing features a unique technology that allows the absorbent fibers of the dressing to transform into a clear and comfortable gel. For minor cuts, the use of a bacitracin cream can be useful to reduce infections. A good choice is the Dynarex Bacitracin Ointment for inhibiting bacterial growth.
No matter what your wound is or where it’s located being proactive with wound care will go a long way in reducing your pain. If your pain persists or even gets worse, consult a nurse or doctor immediately to minimize any infection chance.
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