What are the Factors that Affect Wound Healing?

Optimum wound care is important for the overall well-being of a person. Mishandling a wound and not adhering to proper wound care procedures can cause more damage than what has been done and can cause severe complications. What does one need to take care of while taking care of a wound? What are the things one needs during wound healing? At Shop Wound Care we aim to provide all the information and supplies one needs for optimal wound care and wound healing.

What are the Types of Wounds?

Wounds are classified into different types based on their size, their appearance, and their degree. They are:

Open Wounds – Open wounds are ones where the underlying tissue or bone is visible. They are highly vulnerable to further damage.

Closed Wounds – Closed wounds do not expose any underlying tissue or bone but are prone to infections if not treated on time.

Clean Wounds – Clean wounds are ones where the wound has not been exposed to foreign materials and hence are less vulnerable to further damage.

Contaminated Wounds - Contaminated wounds are ones filled with foreign materials such as debris, dirt, bacteria, or other contaminants.

Acute Wounds – Acute wounds are smaller wounds that can heal in a small amount of time, but they require care nonetheless.

Chronic Wounds – Chronic wounds are those which require a long time to heal and require excess care as compared to other wounds.

What are the Stages of Wound Healing?

The wound healing process involves three major steps:

Inflammatory phase – Inflammation is the first response of the body to a wound, which also includes the clotting of blood. White blood cells also immediately are dispatched to the wound site to protect the wound. Swelling, pain, and redness are the first step of wound healing.

Proliferation phase – Proliferation means increase in numbers and this phase is known so because cells rapidly begin multiplying to rebuild the parts lost in the wound. The body begins rebuilding skin, muscle, and other tissue during this phase.

Maturation phase – This is the final phase of wound healing where the wound beings closing and scar formation is seen. Maturation phase is complete when the scar has also diminished. But the diminishing of the scar depends on the size and intensity of the wound.

Factors that Affect Wound Healing

Though wound healing takes place in three steps, the time required for each phase depends on different factors that includes external and internal factors. Eight major factors that affect wound healing include:

1. Nutrition

Nutrition is an important factor in wound healing as well as overall wellbeing of an individual. Nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and important amino acids help in increasing the body’s ability in clotting the wound and improving the rebuilding of muscles and tissues. If a person lacks important nutrients, the body cannot synthesize the required energy to immediately act on the wound and synthesize collagen

2. Age

Age affects each and every process of your body, and so it affects the wound healing process as well. Ageing reduces the body’s speed of reacting to a wound and also reduces the intensity of the repairing process. Weakened muscles, thinning of the skin are also contributing factors that are brought about by one’s age.

3. Obesity

If a person weighs 20% more than the ideal weight based on the height of the person, there are chances that the speed of wound healing reduces. There is a higher risk of infection in such individuals and also a greater chance of interruption in the wound healing process due to excessive strain and pressure on the wound.

4. Skin Moisture

The moisture level of the skin affects the wound healing process to a great extent. Dry skin can increase the chances of skin lesions, infections, and thickening which in turn affect the wound healing process. Excessive moisture in the skin can also increase the risk of maceration or infection and so optimal moisture level of the skin is important for improved wound healing.

5. Infection Level

The infection level of the wound indicated what form of infection has affected the wound. Bacterial infection, fungal infection, or infection due to other contaminants are the different types of infections that can affect the wound. Immediately acting against the infection by applying an antibacterial wound cleanser or anti-septic solution can help in increasing the chances of wound healing.

6. Repeated Trauma

Repeated damage to the body can reduce the body’s ability to react aptly to a wound and hence a person who has undergone a number of surgeries or has suffered from different wounds is more prone to reduced speed of wound healing. An individual in such a situation can ensure that other factors do not affect wound healing to reduce the effect of this factor.

7. Systematic Causes

Systematic causes of conditions such as diabetes, malnourishment, immunodeficiency, etc. can greatly affect the wound healing process. Since diabetes is directly related to diminished sense of feeling and poor blood flow, diabetes directly affects wound healing process. Someone with a pre-existing condition should always ensure immediate first aid to a wound to expedite the healing process.

8. Blood Circulation

Blood delivers the necessary nutrients to the wound site, and poor blood circulation can reduce the speed of wound healing drastically. Narrow blood vessels, reduced or increased density of blood, and reduced oxygen levels of the blood contribute in hampering the wound healing process.

Different patients have different body types and so other than these eight important factors there are other factors as well that can directly or indirectly affect a person’s wound healing process. At Shop Wound Care we have a wide range of premium wound care supplies that help in controlling these factors and helping cope up with them. 


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