Facial Concepts, Inc. was formed in 1989 to develop a patented facial rehabilitation device that increased oral-motor strength. The Facial-Flex exercise device was originally created as a treatment method for microstomia, a severe constrictor of the orbicularis oris muscle (the muscle surrounding the mouth) caused by deep facial burns. However, the potential for broader rehabilitation applications was quickly recognized and Facial-Flex is also used as a medical product for various facial care and rehabilitation needs. Facial-Flex has been used to help patients with a multitude of speech and language disorders, facial nerve disorders, strokes, MS, ALS, autoimmune neuromuscular disease, surgical trauma, Bell’s palsy and other chronic debilitating facial disorders. It has also been used in Dental/TMD/TMJ rehabilitation. The benefits of Facial-Flex were also discovered in the health and beauty arena. Facial-Flex is also a FDA Registered Class 1 Medical Device.